2nd follow-up meeting held in Lisbon 12th and 13th November in Lisbon (Portugal)

The European project PLAST4H2 (“Plastic Circularity through an Efficient Detection, Collection, and Valorization into Hydrogen and Value-Added Products”) held its 2nd follow-up meeting on November 12–13, 2024, at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon.

The meeting focused on reviewing the project’s progress, with the consortium highlighting key advancements achieved during the first year of implementation. These included underwater plastic collection campaigns and dissemination activities aimed at raising awareness about plastic pollution in the Canary Islands. Other notable achievements included the development of membranes for hydrogen purification and the creation of a model to study marine plastic circulation in the Canary Islands.

The event concluded with a visit to the Núcleo Arqueológico da Rua dos Correeiros in Lisbon, offering the participants a cultural and historical perspective of the city.

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